Staff Petition Presented at Trustees Meeting & Negotiation Cancellation

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On Tuesday, March 19, 2024, EBPL CWA library workers presented their staff petition to the Board of Trustees.

Two days later, the Board of Trustees canceled our contract negotiation meeting.

To be continued…

Staff Petition Text:

WE’RE FIGHTING FOR A FAIR CONTRACT FOR THE FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME PROFESSIONAL AND NONPROFESSIONALEMPLOYEES AT THE EAST BRUNSWICK PUBLIC LIBRARY We, the Part-Time and Full-Time Professional and Nonprofessional employees of the East Brunswick Public Library, stand united in our demand for respect and dignity through a good union contract. We are fighting for equity for Full-Time and Part-Time workers. We are fighting to protect worker health and safety. We are fighting for equitable salary increases that recognize the current economic climate. We are fighting to modernize our workplaces to recruit and retain a talented workforce to provide the services the East Brunswick Residents deserve.

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